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From Screen to Boardroom: When Drama Teaches Business

"Ted Lasso" relates to the business world because it teaches important lessons about leadership, teamwork, adaptability, and positivity.

Amir Bartoletti
August 29, 2023
mins read
Date Published
August 29, 2023
Business Intelligence

Ted Lasso


By: Mohammad Abu Al-Rob

Aug 29, 2023


In today's fast-paced corporate landscape, CEOs and managers face the challenge of creating a positive work environment, nurturing employee engagement, and fostering effective teamwork.

Many dramas work reflects these challenges in a way that relates to the real world; one is the TV series “Ted Lasso” directed by Zach Braff.


While "Ted Lasso" is primarily a comedy series, it contains several elements related to the real-world of business and leadership. The TV show follows Ted, played by actor Jason Sudeikis, as an American college football coach who unexpectedly becomes the head coach of a struggling English Premier League soccer team; what he lacks in knowledge, he makes up for in optimism and determination.


After completing all three seasons of the show, it is evident that "Ted Lasso" relates to the business world because it teaches important lessons about leadership, teamwork, adaptability, and positivity. Ted leads with kindness and empathy, showing that positive leadership style can improve team morale and performance. The characters 'challenges and ability to overcome them demonstrate the importance of resilience and perseverance in sports and business. The show also highlights the significance of building strong relationships, being open to learning, and caring for the well-being of individuals, which are all essential aspects of successful business leadership.



1. Unleashing People's Capabilities and Career Development:

In "Ted Lasso," the character Ted demonstrates the power of believing in people's potential and allowing them to shine. Nate's transformation from a kit man to a confident team member exemplifies this.  Despite being an outsider to soccer, Ted empowers his players to excel by focusing on their strengths, nurturing their talents, and boosting their confidence. He creates an environment where players feel valued, heard, and motivated to contribute their best.


Similarly, influential leaders recognize their employees' unique strengths and skills in the business world. Employees are more likely to feel engaged, creative, and willing to contribute to their fullest by providing a supportive and inclusive work environment. When leaders trust and give their employees autonomy, it increases innovation, productivity, and job satisfaction.

2. Listening and Seeking Help:

Ted demonstrates a genuine interest in understanding his team members 'challenges and doesn't hesitate to bring in a sports psychologist when needed.  We can learn from Ted's approach by prioritizing active listening and recognizing the value of external expertise. By fostering open communication and seeking help, when necessary, we create a supportive environment that leads to positive change within our organizations.

3. Leadership with Heart:

At the core of Ted Lasso lies the character's unique leadership style. Ted's approach emphasizes empathy, kindness, and genuine care for his team members. Managers can learn from his example and embrace a leadership style that values the well-being and growth of employees. By adopting an inclusive and supportive environment, leaders can motivate their teams and drive individual and collective success.

4. Building Engaged Teams:

Ted Lasso showcases the power of team unity and engagement. Ted's efforts to connect with his team members on a personal level, understand their needs, and create a positive work environment embody a CEO’s role in building engaged teams. In addition, Ted Lasso's ability to engage his team members unfolds the importance of employee engagement in any business. Managers can enhance employee engagement and boost productivity by focusing on individual growth, emphasizing open communication, and creating a supportive work environment.

5. Employee Well-Being:

The show emphasizes the players’ well-being, showing how their personal lives and emotions affect their performance. Ted's concern for his players' mental and emotional health echoes the growing awareness of employee well-being in business. Companies recognize the importance of supporting their employees' mental health to enhance productivity and job satisfaction.

The dynamics among the team members and staff at AFC Richmond also show how a cohesive team, where individuals support and uplift one another, can lead to improved performance. Fostering a positive team culture and encouraging collaboration applies to businesses where teamwork is essential for success.

6. Ecosystem of Trust:

Throughout the series, Ted Lasso consistently prioritizes trust-building. He establishes trust with his players, staff, and even the team's owner, Rebecca. Ted's authenticity, transparency, and genuine concern for others help create an environment where trust can flourish. This approach allows the characters to feel safe, valued, and willing to work together for a common goal. Trust is equally crucial in the business world. It underpins strong relationships with customers, partners, employees, and stakeholders. When businesses prioritize trust, they create a foundation of credibility and reliability that can lead to long-term success. Trust is essential in negotiations, collaborations, and maintaining a positive reputation.


As CEOs and managers, we should strive to build a similar trust ecosystem within our organizations. This involves encouraging honest dialogue, supporting psychological safety, and fostering a culture of respect and transparency.

When trust is nurtured, employees feel valued and empowered, increasing collaboration, productivity, and overall success.


In conclusion, "Ted Lasso" offers insights into leadership, teamwork, adaptability, and positivity. While it's a fictional comedy series, its positive messages and themes can be applied to business and leadership, encouraging a more compassionate, empathetic, and practical approach to leading teams and navigating challenges.


Through the show, we find a mirror reflecting the qualities that define effective leadership and prosperous business practices: empathy, adaptability, resilience, trust, and the unwavering belief in the potential of people. By embracing these lessons, businesses can foster a culture that drives success and cultivates a sense of purpose, unity, and positive impact. Just as Ted Lasso wins the hearts of his players and fans, the lessons from the show can win the loyalty and admiration of teams and customers in the ever-evolving landscape of the business world.


Therefore, how can nourishing leadership, teamwork, adaptability, and positivity be fundamental in unleashing individual potential and fostering business growth?

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